Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Still no baby. Maybe tomorrow, I just have to be dilated to 4 and they will keep me. Keep your fingers crossed. I kind of have a feeling that won't be the case, but we'll see. I haven't had many contractions since the day before yesterday.

I was home with a sick kid all day today. I think Ry has croup. He's got that barky cough and a fever. He's such a little trooper when he's sick though. I had to keep Austin home today too because he had a dentist appointment this morning and had to get a tooth pulled and a couple of fillings. I wanted to make sure when the numbness wore off that he wasn't hurting, plus the dentist wanted him to take it easy so he didn't start bleeding again or get a dry socket. Austin didn't think the dentist thing was a big deal at all. He's so not like me or his dad. He said yesterday that going to the dentist is his second favorite thing to do besides go to the movies. There's something wrong with that child...

1 comment:

jkhenson said...

Any baby yet??